
'Creative Rusholme: Manchester's Southern Quarter' sees the potential for building on a wide range of existing cultural facilities along the corridor from Whitworth to Platt Fields Parks, together with the four schools' and Universities' arts departments, the many students and young people living in Rusholme together with the diverse residential and business communities, including the cultural assets embedded in the restaurants and businesses of the Curry Mile.  

There is the opportunity for Rusholme to establish a brand and the substance of being Manchester's 'Southern Quarter' with a combination of creative industries, cultural programmes and events and developing creative skills to build cohesion and community pride.

This blog aims to follow the development of research undertaken in Rusholme, which focusses on the creative industries in the area. It will also identify further opportunities for arts participation by local communities in collaboration with local arts institutions, local voluntary and community arts groups and local businesses.

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