Wednesday 9 October 2013

Back to blogging

I am so sorry I have not been blogging recently! I am back onto blogging now, so will keep you all updated with activities we are up to. There are lots of exciting things happening at the moment, we are developing our heritage trails and have just started our first project Sew Fashion at Gallery of Costume, not to mention the successful book launch for Stories of the Great Turning.

I will update you with all of the happenings you have missed, starting with Stories of the Great Turning.
Here is a book of stories written by people who decided to act, in their own lives, in response to the challenges of our time, and found their own way to make a difference. They are not stories about celebrities or gurus of the environmental movement but honest accounts from people who share a concern for the world we live in and who, in the words of one of the contributors, “just got on with it".

The event was organised by Creative Rushome members and contributors to the book; Helena Kettleborough and Nora Kettleborough. They shared their beautiful story: Discovering that We Live in an Ancient and Beautiful Universe
"It's hard, living in the inner city, to get a sense of growing up in something bigger than ourselves. The stars in the sky are faint..."
The event was attended by Sir Gerald Kaufman and local residents as well as Sarah Bird from Vala Publishing.
Check out the pics...
Helena Kettleborough

 Nora Kettleborough
 Jane Riddiford
Sarah Bird, Jane Riddiford and Helena Kettleborough
Would you like to be part of a Creative Rusholme writers group?

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